Gustav Hannemann and
Faiaso Soliai Hannemann
Leadership Awards

To recognize graduating senior students of Samoan ancestry who demonstrate the academic promise and leadership potential needed for Samoans to fulfill their roles as citizens and to contribute to the progress and prosperity of Hawaii and our nation.
A $500 award will be granted to at least one male and one female. (In years past de to the outstanding caliber of applicants, the Committee has granted as many as half a dozen $500 awards.) The awards are named in honor of Mufi Hannemann’s late father and mother: the Gustav Hannemann Leadership Award for the male and the Faiaso Soliai Hannemann Leadership Award for the female.
Award recipients will be selected from these criteria:
senior class standing;
be of Samoan ancestry;
grade-point average of 2.5 or higher (on a 4.0 scale) in college preparatory coursework;
participation in student government, preferably in leadership positions, and participation in on-campus activities or community service; and
selection for honors and awards.
Application Process
Submit a completed application—along with a transcript showing class rank and GPA, letters of recommendation, and any other relevant information—to either address below. Recipients will be selected by the awards committee from among the applications submitted.
Mail to:
Mufi Hannemann Awards
P.O. Box 459
Honolulu, Hawaii 96809
or e-mail to:
Applications must be received by April 30 of the student’s senior year.
Allow adequate time for mail delivery.
Applications are available at: